Missing baryons
A complete census of baryons in the late universe is challenging due to the intermediate temperate and rarefied character of intergalactic gas. In my work, I leverage the cross-correlation of angular redshift fluctuations, a novel observable presenting a strong correlation with the cosmic density and velocity fields, and cosmic microwave background observations to set constraints on the abundance, location, and properties of intergalactic gas.
Lima-Hernández A., Hernández-Monteagudo C., Chaves-Montero J., 2022, arxiv. doi:arXiv:2203.15008.
Summary: we compute relativistic corrections to angular redshift fluctuations up to linear order, showing that angular redshift fluctuations have the potential to set strict constraints on the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect (ISW).
Chaves-Montero J., Hernández-Monteagudo C., Angulo R. E., Emberson J. D., 2021, MNRAS, 503, 1798. doi:10.1093/mnras/staa3782.
Summary: tomographic census of baryons from the local universe up to redshift z=5 using the cross-correlation of CMB temperature anisotropies and angular redshift fluctuations. Detection of approximately 50% of cosmic baryons in the intergalactic medium, which present densities ranging from 10 to 250 the cosmic average.
Hernández-Monteagudo C., Chaves-Montero J., Angulo R. E., Aricò G., 2021, MNRAS, 503, L62. doi:10.1093/mnrasl/slab021.
Summary: tomographic constraints on gravity using angular redshift fluctuations evaluated at 20 redshift shells from z=0.26 to 0.72, resulting in one of the strongest constraints on the nature of gravity.
Hernández-Monteagudo C., Chaves-Montero J., Angulo R. E., 2021, MNRAS, 503, L56. doi:10.1093/mnrasl/slaa172.
Summary: new cosmological observable, angular fluctuations in the galaxy redshift field, that encodes precise information about the cosmic density and velocity fields. This observable is extremely robust against systematic uncertainties affecting the angular number density of galaxies.